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  发表时间:2024-03-21    阅读次数:

2024320日上午90011:00院级高等讲堂于线上成功举行。本次讲座的主题为:Thin Concrete Overlay on Asphalt Experience in California。讲座邀请了来自The University of California, Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS)Dr. Angel Mateos为大家带来了精彩的报告。

讲座围绕HVS测试的三个主要内容展开,包括Do not underestimate the structural capacity of a “relatively thin” (115 mm) concreteoverlay on asphaltAlternation of "dominant" and "passive” transverse joints, California is not immune to this issue of thin COA with short slabsThickness and condition of the asphalt base are important

最后,Dr. Angel Mateos详细解答了线上参会师生关于科研成长经历、研究选题、薄混凝土覆盖层等相关问题。